Nuru Kenya

Petit Rebwi Inspires Fellow Community-Owned Cooperatives

The hilly village of Nyamagenga in Kuria East sub-county is a breath-taking sight. From a distance you would mistake it for bare land where no farming takes place. The scenery is fascinating despite the erratic rainfall patterns and recurrent crop diseases that attack maize, the community’s staple food. If you traveled there, moving from one

Nuru Literacy Strategies Improve Reading Skills Among Learners

Caroline Akinyi Okore is a government teacher at St. Luke’s Primary School in Malunga, where she has instructed for the last fifteen years. She teaches lower grades classes whose learners are between the ages of five and ten. Caroline shared, “I started engaging with the Nuru Kenya Education Program in January of this year when

Farmer Breaks the Mold in Kenya

Penina Bunyige Solomon is a Nuru farmer from Nyametaburo village in Kuria West Sub-County of Migori County, Kenya. She is a member of Isibania Farmers Cooperatives Society. She has eight children and has been farming with Nuru since its inception in the year 2008. She is actively involved in the Agriculture Program and has consistently

The Fall Armyworm (FAW) Outbreak

The Fall Armyworm (FAW) Spodoptera frugiperda is a major economic pest of maize across the American continents from the United States to Brazil. Without proper containment, the FAW can cause maize yield losses between 30-40%. In Brazil, the government spends in excess of $600 million USD annually to control FAW on approximately 15 million hectares

Nuru Farmers in Kenya Receive Inputs

The goal of Nuru Kenya’s agriculture program is to reduce food insecurity and foster a stable and sustainable economic base to prevent episodic hunger in communities, while empowering farmers to diversify their livelihoods. One of the most important elements needed to achieve this goal is timely access to seed and fertilizer for planting by Nuru

On #WorldMalariaDay, Nuru Kenya works to #EndMalaria

World Malaria Day is observed annually on April 25 to raise awareness of the global effort to control, prevent, and ultimately eradicate malaria. World Malaria Day, which was first observed in 2008, developed from Africa Malaria Day, an event that had been observed since 2001 by African governments.[i] Malaria remains the top cause of both

Nuru Kenya Attends Aid and International Development Forum (AIDF) Africa Summit

The second edition of the Aid and International Development Forum (AIDF) Africa Summit was held in Nairobi Safari Park Hotel on 28th February and 1st March 2017. It attracted hundreds of key players from the government sector, NGOs, and private sector from across Africa. The theme of this year’s forum was: “Improving aid delivery and

Knowledge Shared and Friendships Made: Nuru Ethiopia/Nuru Kenya Exchange Visit

In March 2017, staff members from Nuru Ethiopia visited Nuru Kenya in Isibania, Kenya. None of the Ethiopian staff had ever left their home country and two of them were taking their first flights ever. As the airplane departed Addis Ababa, destined for Nairobi, the staff members clenched their jaws and tightly gripped their armrests.

Pauline Wambeti featured on ‘Executive Woman’ series by BrandPlus TV Kenya

BrandPlus TV created the Executive Woman series to showcase how women are transforming the socio-economic landscape in Kenya while also creating positive change in their communities. Using powerful storytelling, BrandPlus TV seeks to motivate women to go after their dreams. In the episode, host Ng’endo Mwangi speaks to Pauline Wambeti, the Country Director of Nuru Kenya, an

Helping Eunice Grow More Maize

Meet Eunice–a Kenyan farmer who grows maize Eunice is nearing her 60th birthday. Though now a widow, she is proud to be mother to 10 children and grandmother to over 30 grandchildren. Since 2010 she has been a member of Nuru Kenya’s programs. Before, she would farm the whole long rains season and hardly get 3

Nuru Kenya helps teachers adopt new literacy training techniques

Teachers in Kenya do not get many training opportunities once they are assigned to schools. This means they aren’t always exposed to the latest, innovative teaching techniques. That’s why Nuru Kenya Education put on a two-week teacher training during the break between Term 1 and Term 2 of the 2016 school year: to help teachers

Expecting Great Maize Harvests

The 2016 long rains season has begun with great expectations for maize farmers like Eunice in Kuria, southwest Kenya. Eunice Maroa has attended the trainings in readiness for the season. She has planted maize and millet as her preferred crops. Both her maize and millet are already doing great and she has just applied her

Cooperative Leaders Trained in Nuru Leadership Philosophy

In March of 2016, Nuru Kenya Leadership completed its first round of training for cooperative leaders—equipping 60 leaders across five cooperatives with knowledge and skills to effectively manage their cooperatives and make informed decisions that will support the long-term sustainability of community projects. Nuru Kenya Leadership is a sustainability program. As such, its goal is to ensure that community leaders

Improving Agricultural Value Chains Through Farmer Cooperatives

Working through farmer cooperatives allows Nuru to address the financial and food security of smallholder farmers in Kenya. Through farmer cooperatives, Nuru is addressing the links that do not function well along a specific value chain. Nuru Kenya supports maize, millet and sorghum value chains right from the planting stage by providing input loans to

Pauline Wambeti: #MyMomIsStrongBecause

#MyMomIsStrongBecause through her struggles and hard work, she gave me a better life than the one she had. My mother, Lydia, hails from Embu in eastern Kenya and was born to a family of twenty-six siblings from three co-wives. Her story is one of breaking many barriers, including breaking the generational cycle of poverty experienced
