The 2016 long rains season has begun with great expectations for maize farmers like Eunice in Kuria, southwest Kenya.

Eunice Maroa has attended the trainings in readiness for the season. She has planted maize and millet as her preferred crops.

two famers in maize field

Both her maize and millet are already doing great and she has just applied her first top dressing application of fertilizer. Her farm is free of weeds and she is excited.

Eunice Maroa_millet

Eunice has begun her continuous loan repayment though the mobile cashless system and hopes to clear her loan before harvest.

Eunice Maroa_mobile

Nyamohanga is equally excited to have his first season with Nuru Kenya. After having attended base education and learnt about Nuru, he joined the Watami cooperative in Kuria East and paid the registration fee. Through the cooperative, Nyamohanga was able to get the high quality inputs on loan.

farmer in maize field

He attended the trainings and already realized so many new things he was not doing before. Along with his group members, he is trying out the new farming techniques and already beginning to see a big difference. His maize stands out among his neighbors and he always has to explain to his neighbors how he did it.

two farmers reviewing paperwork in maize field

Nuru Kenya Agriculture helps farmers increase food security and agricultural income by increasing crop yields. In furthering this goal, Nuru staff offer agriculture inputs on loan, technical training, extension services and market linkages for the production of maize, millet and sorghum. We refresh the farmers by training them on site selection, ground preparation and planting training. Much emphasis is given on the crop to crop spacing and inter-row spacing.

As the rains continue we look forward to a great season.
