
Nuru Kenya Pilots 360 Evaluations to Promote a Feedback Culture

A 360 evaluation is an all-around process of giving feedback in order to create a positive change and growth to individual leaders and the organization as a whole. It involves receiving feedback from direct reports, peers and evaluating yourself. Nuru Kenya adapted the concept from Nuru International and piloted it in November 2014 with all

The Leader We Need

Feature photo, from left to right: Hambissa leaders Robi, Kassa and Tesfaye I have had the great fortune of leading incredibly talented men and women to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks — first as an infantry and special operations Marine and currently as CEO of Nuru International. My greatest teachers were not the colonels or generals whose orders

Nuru Ethiopia Farmer Households Are Better Off Than Non-Nuru Farmers

We all know what it’s like to feel hunger pangs. To understand what severe hunger feels like, consider these questions: In the past month, was there ever no food of any kind to eat in your house because of lack of resources to get food? In the past month, did you or any household member

How Nuru Helps Farmers Take Their First Steps Out of Extreme Poverty

Nuru International’s mission is to end extreme poverty in remote, rural areas. Globally, 1.6 billion people live in extreme poverty [Multidimensional Poverty Index 2014]. In a context of overwhelming need, Nuru prioritized impactful and sustainable focus areas in which to work with the most people at the least cost. Thinking big, Nuru started by identifying

Nuru Kenya Attends 2015 Global Mifos Summit in Dubai

Feature photo: Christine Alvitsa, Nuru Kenya Financial Inclusion Program Information Systems Specialist, enters data into Mifos at the Nuru Kenya office. Tuesday, March 10, 2015—Today marks the beginning of the three-day Global Mifos Summit in Dubai. Two Nuru Kenya staff members, Ibrahim Sifuna (Financial Inclusion District Manager) and Christine Alvitsa (Financial Inclusion Program Information Systems Specialist),

Top 10 Takeaways from Presidential Leadership Scholars Program—Session 1

Last week, I had the privilege of convening with 59 other leaders from across the country at Mount Vernon, George Washington’s home in Virginia, to kick off the first week of the inaugural class of the Presidential Leadership Scholars (PLS) Program. PLS is an unprecedented program co-sponsored by the presidential libraries of George W. Bush,

How Banchi Helped 154 Nuru Farmer Households

The Leadership Program equips Nuru leaders to identify the needs of the community; design solutions to address those needs; and effectively and efficiently implement and scale solutions. What is Servant Leadership? Servant leadership is an approach to leadership that focuses on humbly serving those one leads and putting the needs of others before yourself. Servant

Announcing the Launch of Women@Nuru

“We believe in the beauty and power of an individual empowered with knowledge and skill to solve the challenges that extreme poverty creates in her nation. We strive to work with her to remove the obstacles surrounding her that prevent her from realizing this full potential and power for change.”—Jake Harriman, CEO of Nuru International

Lessons Learned: Fostering a Sense of Urgency

Nuru International is pioneering a solution to end extreme poverty in remote, rural areas. We believe that in pursuing this solution, we will find new ways to solve old problems. There is risk in being a pathfinder. With risk comes failure. Nuru will not complete its mission without failure. Failure will lead to our success.

An Approach to Ending Poverty That Works

In August 2014, I participated in BRAC’s Targeting the Ultra Poor Immersion Visit which offered a unique, hands-on experience inside of BRAC’s Bangladesh operations. I learned about BRAC’s “graduation” approach, which provides people with a host of services and benefits to move them out of ultra-poverty and eventually into sustainable livelihoods. As a practitioner, I see

Jake Harriman Named 2015 Presidential Leadership Scholar

Jake Harriman, CEO and Founder of Nuru International, has been selected to be a member of the inaugural class of Presidential Leadership Scholars, a unique leadership development initiative that draws upon the resources of the U.S. presidential centers of Lyndon B. Johnson, George H.W. Bush, William J. Clinton, and George W. Bush. These presidential centers have

Lessons Learned in Measuring the “Parts” and “Sum of Parts” in Poverty Alleviation

Hi, Veronica Olazabal, M&E Director at Nuru International, here. Having worked in the international development sector for some time and driven by the belief that evaluation is a bridge to effective poverty solutions, assessment of integrated development programs is a passion of mine. At Nuru, a social venture that aims to eradicate poverty in remote

Out of Extreme Poverty: Josphat’s Story

49 year-old Josphat Mokami Maroa lives in Nyangiti, Kenya. Anyone who has met him knows to never mistake his soft-spokenness for timidity. Even from the rhythm of his gait, you sense a palpable determination. Josphat is surrounded by the fruits of his labor: nine healthy children all in school living among three rooms on three arable

Nuru Kenya Leadership Program 2014 Achievements in Photos

Jane Omanga is the Program Manager for the Leadership Program. She has extensive experience in project management, counseling and social work. She is originally from Kisumu and is married with three children. She is happy to join us in the fight of eliminating extreme poverty in rural Kenya. Below, enjoy the photos she chose to showcase the

Nuru International Honored By West Virginia House of Delegates and Senate

On Wednesday, January 21, 2015, Nuru International was given a double honor in the home state of Nuru’s CEO and founder Jake Harriman. Nuru board members John Hancox and Andy Cogar as well as staff member Billy Williams joined Jake in Charleston, West Virginia to stand before the West Virginia House of Delegates to receive
