Nuru Kenya

Nuru Kenya Leadership Program 2014 Achievements in Photos

Jane Omanga is the Program Manager for the Leadership Program. She has extensive experience in project management, counseling and social work. She is originally from Kisumu and is married with three children. She is happy to join us in the fight of eliminating extreme poverty in rural Kenya. Below, enjoy the photos she chose to showcase the

Joshua’s Story

Joshua Makira Chacha is from Ihore Kenya. He’s been farming with Nuru for the last three years, and his story is both heartbreaking and inspiring. Heartbreaking because no one should have to go through the challenges he and his family had. They did not have enough food to eat. How heartbreaking would it be to

22 Things I learned about myself after leaving the Marines – then living in Kenya

For Veterans Day, Alex Martin shares his story of how he found a fulfilling career – and happiness – working as a humanitarian in Kenya after leaving the Marines. The following entry originally appeared on  Just before leaving the Marine Corps in 2011, I wrote a brief reflection on what I’d learned. I wrote it

Nuru Kenya Leadership Program Trainings in Photos: October 2014

Nuru Kenya Leadership Program’s main objective is to improve knowledge and skills to Nuru Kenya staff and help them gain an attitude that would help them relate well with farmers and manage their programs effectively and efficiently. Leadership does all these activities through training, mentorship, team building and capacity development.   Level 1: Facilitating Focus

Leadership Computer Training

Robi Claret, Computer Training Manager (CTM), shares thoughts on her experience training Nuru Kenya teams on computer skills. An additional task of the Nuru Kenya Leadership Program is to equip Nuru staff with computer knowledge and skills so that they can run their programs more efficiently and effectively. This role has been very exciting for

Nuru Kenya Agriculture Long Rains Season Harvest in Photos: August 2014

The harvest season has arrived in Kuria West.  As farmers across the district work hard to bring their crops in from the field, Nuru is happy to share these photos of the abundant maize harvest.   A Nuru farmer uses oxen to carry maize from his farm to his house. Once the maize arrives at

Andrew Okoth Ochieng’s Reflections on Transitioning from Nuru Kenya Education to the Leadership Program

Andrew Okoth Ochieng’ reflects on his recent move to the Leadership Program to take on the position of Training Officer. I first joined Nuru Kenya in August of 2012 as an Education Coordinator with the Education Program. This program’s goal is to improve literacy for pupils in rural public schools to standard two level. Pupils in every

Nuru Education Program: Photos from Outreach June 2014

While many school children in the U.S. are starting their summer vacations, Kenya’s schools are in the middle of the 2014 school year.  Nuru’s Education Program has been working with 17 schools across two divisions with almost 6,000 students for the last 6 months.   In Mabera Division, the team has welcomed a few new

Nuru International Takes Part in the Mulago Foundation Agriculture Summit

From June 18th to 20th a group of organizations convened for the Mulago Foundation Agriculture Summit. Representation included COMACO, Farm Shop, Innovations for Poverty Action, Juhudi Kilimo, KickStart, KOMAZA, Mountain Hazelnuts, Mulago Foundation, MyAgro, Nuru International, One Acre Fund, Proximity Design, Rainer Arnhold Fellows, Root Capital, Sanergy, Working Villages International, Praekelt Foundation, FarmForce, Center for

Nuru Kenya Agriculture Program Demonstrates Adaptability, Resilience, and Success

As the rainy season draws to a close the Nuru Kenya Agriculture (NK Ag) team is preparing for a busy and fruitful harvest season. The 2014 long rains season was a fresh start for the NK Ag team after the challenges of 2013. It was also a season of firsts as Nuru introduced farmers to

20th Anniversary of the UN International Day of Families

2014 marks the 20th anniversary of the UN International Day of Families. This day serves as a reminder to reflect on the importance of the family unit’s role in development and in everyday life.[1] In Kenya, family structure can vary a lot, but regardless of what form it takes, family is very important in the

Mid-Season Updates from Nuru International’s Agriculture Programs in Kenya and Ethiopia

Crops shine a healthy dark green as they grow tall, bear flowers, shed pollen and are forming grain on Nuru farmer fields in Kenya and Ethiopia. Harvest season is on the horizon and the outlook is bright. This mid-season update reviews the activities of Nuru International’s Agriculture Program and provides an overview of the state

Nuru Kenya Leadership: Fostering a Culture of Lifelong Learning Through New Trainings

Robert Kihara, Senior Training Manager in the Leadership Program in Nuru Kenya, shares his reflections on piloting Level 2 training with Project Management 2. At the fullness of time, the boat was pushed into the waters and the wonderful rowing team set off to what would turn out to be a very adventurous trip in

Nuru Kenya Agriculture Long Rains Season Planting in Photos: May 2014

After several months of good rain, Nuru Kenya is happy to share these photos of Nuru farmers’ crop progress. The Agriculture team and Nuru farmers are excited as they anticipate good harvests from this first year of planting diversified crop packages.   A farmer stands among his sorghum field, which will be ready to harvest

Nuru International Presents at 7th International Biannual African Evaluation Conference

As Nuru International’s Director of Monitoring and Evaluation, I recently had the pleasure of attending and presenting at the 7th International Biannual African Evaluation Conference sponsored by the African Evaluation Association (AfrEA). AfrEA seeks to increase Africa’s leadership in evaluating development policies. This year’s conference, “Evaluation for Development: From Analysis to Impact”, took place in
