
Celebrating Nuru Ethiopia Leadership Team Success in 2014

What an amazing year. Looking back on everything that the team has worked through last year, we have had some incredible achievements. First of all, to speak broadly about the entire Nuru team, leadership development has been quickly on the rise. Having already created their programs and organizing the yearly rollout of activities, managers are

Looking Back…2014 Year in Review

Fighters. This is the word I would choose to describe my incredible team and their performance in 2014. The pursuit of the end of extreme poverty is a slugfest—a fight where the hopes, dreams, and lives of millions hang in the balance. It is a humanitarian crisis on a global scale that will affect all

Nuru Ethiopia Agriculture Program Post-Harvest in Photos: December 2014

Nuru Ethiopia’s Agricultural Team has been hard at work providing post-harvest handling trainings and building relationships with potential buyers for the maize harvest. Building the capacity of the cooperatives is an important step on the path to sustainability and the Nuru Ethiopia Agriculture staff have ensured cooperative leaders involvement in each step of the post-harvest

Intro to Nuru Ethiopia Training Begins for Healthcare and Education Programs

Nuru Ethiopia held the Introduction to Nuru training during the Program Planning Process (PPP) for Healthcare and Education. 16 candidates were invited to join the training to learn about Nuru’s philosophy and principles. The candidates and current Nuru Ethioipia staff mutually learn about each other to determine if they are a good fit to work together. At the end,

Nuru Education Program: 2014 Year in Review

As I reflect on the year on my way out of Ethiopia, it’s amazing to think about the progress and accomplishments of Nuru’s Education Program during 2014. Here are just a few of the highlights: Kenya In Kenya, we are working with the most schools and students we ever have. We worked with 17 schools

Nuru Welcomes Agriculture Program Specialist Mackenzie Knowling to Ethiopia Project

In this update, I introduce Nuru International’s Agriculture Program Specialist for Ethiopia, Mackenzie Knowling, . Before I do so, let’s review where we’ve come from and where we’re at currently. Nuru International started working in Kuria, Kenya in 2008. To further scale, develop and prove the Nuru Model in a context outside of Kenya, Nuru International

Joshua’s Story

Joshua Makira Chacha is from Ihore Kenya. He’s been farming with Nuru for the last three years, and his story is both heartbreaking and inspiring. Heartbreaking because no one should have to go through the challenges he and his family had. They did not have enough food to eat. How heartbreaking would it be to

Nuru Honored By Balsam Hill Christmas Trees

Every year, we find ourselves utterly inspired by the growing numbers of people and companies who are joining our efforts to end extreme poverty. Two years ago, Sevenly clothing company hosted a campaign to help raise funds to further our work, and last year, CaseCrown named Nuru its giving partner for the month of December.

Financial Inclusion Program is Planning to Establish a Savings and Credit Cooperative in Ethiopia

In August 2014, the Nuru Ethiopia Financial Inclusion (FI) Program, formerly known as Community Economic Development, concluded a six-month program planning process (PPP). After successfully completing the PPP, the FI Program is now moving forward with the launching of the program in three kebeles of Boreda Woreda: Dubana Bulo, Meteka Mele and Hambisa. These three

22 Things I learned about myself after leaving the Marines – then living in Kenya

For Veterans Day, Alex Martin shares his story of how he found a fulfilling career – and happiness – working as a humanitarian in Kenya after leaving the Marines. The following entry originally appeared on  Just before leaving the Marine Corps in 2011, I wrote a brief reflection on what I’d learned. I wrote it

Veronica Olazabal Honored with 2014 Alva and Gunnar Myrdal Evaluation Practice Award

Veronica M. Olazabal, Monitoring & Evaluation Director at Nuru International, an organization seeking to end extreme poverty in remote, rural areas, is an evaluation professional with more than 15 years of program and research management experience. She is strategic and results-driven, but also practical and realistic, striving to balance her experience using both quantitative and

Nuru Kenya Leadership Program Trainings in Photos: October 2014

Nuru Kenya Leadership Program’s main objective is to improve knowledge and skills to Nuru Kenya staff and help them gain an attitude that would help them relate well with farmers and manage their programs effectively and efficiently. Leadership does all these activities through training, mentorship, team building and capacity development.   Level 1: Facilitating Focus

The ONE Campaign Power Project: Using Your Voice to End Extreme Poverty

While Nuru is hard at work on the ground in Kenya and Ethiopia, working with local leaders to build the knowledge and tools needed to end the cycle of poverty, the ONE Campaign is working hard to raise public awareness and to advocate on behalf of the people and programs that are making important strides

Nuru Ethiopia Agriculture Program: Applying Lessons Learned in 2015

Nuru International emphasizes a learning approach in the design, planning, and execution of its programming. Periods of reflection and review afford the opportunity to revise, adapt, and iterate on the way we work. This blog speaks to an example of how the learning approach has been applied to the Agriculture Program in Ethiopia in planning

What are Leadership Workshops?

Now that the Leadership team has completed the Financial Inclusion (formerly CED) Program Planning Process (PPP), we have more time to widen our scope to other concerns for the rest of the Nuru Ethiopia team. So, I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce the concept of our Leadership Workshops. While Nuru Ethiopia already
