solutions to poverty

Mary Joel: A Woman Farmer’s Story of Resilience

In this final blog post for our Women’s Month series, we look at the way one woman farmer’s life has been positively impacted through Nuru’s gender-transformative approach that creates opportunities for women to share in household, community, and organizational decision-making. Nuru Kenya Launches Dairy Program In an effort to provide rural farmers with the opportunity

Farmer Organizations in Kenya Transform Communities

.We started this series on farmer organizations by providing an overview of the Nuru model, outlining the crucial role that local organizations play in supporting Nuru farmer organizations to equip farmers to begin farming as a business. Nuru ensures that farmer organizations are sustainable by measuring their professionalism and profitabilit. Nuru’s local NGOs measure their

Nuru Recognizes World Soil Day

The UN has set aside December 5 as World Soil Day “to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining healthy ecosystems and human well-being by addressing the growing challenges in soil management, fighting soil salinization, increasing soil awareness, and encouraging societies to improve soil health” (UN). Why Soil? According to Cornell University’s Comprehensive Assessment of

Coming Together After Hard Times

In hard times throughout human history, coming together has provided a path back to normalcy, to solidarity, to stability. When our communities are torn asunder by disease, conflict, civil strife, gaping economic divides, religion, ethnicity, or any number of factors, how do we find a path back? How do we find a way to overcome

Nuru Nigeria Grows Its Programming in the Northeast

It is the heart of the rainy season in northeast Nigeria, and farmers’ fields are lush with groundnut and soybean plants. Just as these plants mature toward harvest, Nuru Nigeria continues to grow and strengthen as an organization, full of hope and promise.  Expanded Footprint One area of organizational growth has been in expanding the

Nuru Recognizes World Food Day and Local Leaders at the Heart of Food Systems

Today is World Food Day,  a day set aside by the United Nations to acknowledge the vital importance and the undeniable fragility of food systems around the world. Nuru is among many organizations and businesses that are reflecting on the world’s complex relationship with food, water, and soil.    COVID-19 And Impacted Food Systems The advent

Transformative Impact of Farmer Organizations in Ethiopia

This post is the second in this blog series about farmer organizations and cooperatives. Click here to read Part 1.  Farmer organizations play a vital role in helping Nuru farmers gain access to the resources necessary to increase yields and increase income. This ultimately supports their shift from subsistence farming to farming as a business.

Nuru Ethiopia Impact Report Released

COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on the globe, and while many countries have started to see some semblance of normalcy, the pandemic itself and the lack of access to vaccinations continues to disrupt economies and destroy livelihoods across many African countries. Nuru Ethiopia navigated the unexpected hurdles of 2020, and it continues to create impact for

Nuru Kenya Builds Capacity of Farmers Amid COVID-19

The year 2020 was a critical year for many organizations, including Nuru Kenya. Against the backdrop of seemingly endless challenges created by COVID-19 and the necessary restrictions imposed to maintain safety, Nuru Kenya’s work continued. Nuru Kenya worked with 11,000 people to increase crop yields, increase incomes, and strengthen rural agribusinesses.  As COVID-19 emerged last

Restoring Our Earth Through Locally-led Development 

“Restore Our Earth” is the theme for Earth Day 2021. To “restore” is to repair, rebuild, or renew. These words, emotions, and actions are front of mind for the entire global community these days. At Nuru, we believe that local communities and their local economies are the best places to cultivate lasting meaningful choices. These

Recognizing World Water Day in Ethiopia

Today is world water day, a day set aside to globally recognize the importance of clean water. In Ethiopia, Nuru has been focused on helping the farming communities it serves to improve access to clean water. In 2020, amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Nuru Ethiopia successfully repaired and established clean water sources. These water sources

Celebrating International Women’s Day Every Day in Nigeria

It’s International Women’s Day! At Nuru Nigeria, we celebrate by putting women front and center of our programs, not just today, but every day. In northeast Nigeria, women traditionally do not have as much power in decision-making as men in the household. However, when more economic power is placed in the hands of women, they

Transforming Rural Economies Through Professional Farmer Organizations

At Nuru, a firm belief remains constant: the best way to cultivate lasting meaningful choices is from within the community, within the household, and within the farmer. Nuru focuses on better yields, higher incomes, more savings, and locally-led dialogues. Through this, Nuru ensures that farmers like Joshua Makira Chacha in Kenya, Denknesh Abro in Ethiopia,

Nuru Kenya Expands Into Homa Bay County

In August 2020, Nuru Kenya began expanding into Homa Bay County, Kenya. Nuru Kenya has been serving farmers, growing leaders, and strengthening cooperatives in Migori County since 2008, and now it is building on that momentum in Homa Bay County.    Why Homa Bay? Nuru intends to address the prevalent poverty and other socio-economic inequalities

Book “What Transformation Takes” Highlights Nuru Kenya

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 15, 2020  Contact: Tacy Layne | WASHINGTON, D.C. — Nuru Kenya is highlighted in the recently published book What Transformation Takes: Evidence of Responsible INGO Transitions to Locally Led Development Around the World. The exit of Nuru International from Nuru Kenya is one of nineteen featured case studies in this
