Nuru Kenya

Celebrating the Life and Legacy of Chairman Philip Mohochi

In June 2007, Nuru was a vision that hadn’t found a home. After spending that summer in Kenya and meeting Philip Mohochi who would later become Chairman of Nuru Kenya, I felt alive knowing that he and I would work together to make our shared vision a reality, starting in Kuria, Kenya. It is with

From Isibania to Namanga: Nuru Kenya Social Marketing Exchange Visit

The Social Marketing (SM) Team visited Namanga, Kajiado County for an exchange visit with the Ol Kerempe Group in mid March this year. From one border town Isibania to another border town Namanga, the team was able to learn first-hand how this community based organization employed the use of magnet theatre to be able to

Happy Mother’s Day: Thanks Mama

We would like to say thanks to all the mothers around the world tirelessly working to give their children a healthy happy life this Mother’s Day. A special thanks to all the Nuru Farmer mothers in Kenya for their dedication and commitment to our next generation. You can see some of these mothers in the

Nuru International and Strategic Partnerships

Nuru International’s goal is to end extreme poverty in remote rural areas across the globe. The challenge of ending extreme poverty is colossal in scope, complexity and scale. To achieve this goal, we cannot and should not work alone. We form strategic partnerships – relationships of cooperation and collaboration oriented to a common goal. With

Jane Omanga’s First Anniversary with the Nuru Kenya Leadership Program

Jane Omanga, Nuru Kenya’s Leadership Program Manager, shares reflections on her first year with Nuru. Leadership is one of the programs in Nuru focused towards staff development. A little over one year ago, on April 4, 2013, I was new to the staff in the Leadership Program as the District Manager. Now as the Program

Introducing the Nuru Kenya Social Marketing Program

Social Marketing (or Behavior Change Communication) is the art of applying marketing principles to affect behavior for the common good, benefiting the audience not the marketer. Social Marketing can inform product design, community engagement, education or sales. Social Marketing initiatives require a commitment to work towards altering the beliefs, knowledge, and behavior of a target

Nuru Kenya Agriculture Long Rains Season Planting in Photos: April 2014

The Nuru Kenya Agriculture Team is excited to share the beginnings of the 2014 long rains growing season through photographs. As these farmers continue to diligently work on their shambas (farms), we will share their progress. So, check back soon!     A farmer group works together planting maize following receiving planting training from their

Using Leadership Principles in the Field: Getting to Know Ichobwe Paul Rioba, Leadership Training Officer

Within this update, Ichobwe Paul Rioba, a Training Officer in the Leadership Program with Nuru Kenya, writes a wonderful description of how he utilizes leadership principles day to day. Below, find Ichobwe’s reflections on past challenges and his hopes for Nuru Kenya. It’s a pleasure to have to opportunity to describe my experiences during my

Education Program Transitions to Local Leadership

On March 14, 2014, the Education Program celebrated becoming the first program at Nuru to successfully transfer all day-to-day operations from expatriate staff to local Kenyan staff. After nearly two years, my role as Education Program Manager/Facilitator for Nuru Kenya has come to an end. I have now transitioned to Nuru Kenya Strategic Consultant and

Nuru International Agriculture Program’s Approach to Crop Diversification

Nuru’s Agriculture Programs in Kenya and Ethiopia have launched crop operations in 2014 holding crop diversification as a central element. What is crop diversification? What are its pros and cons? How is it being deployed in Nuru? Crop diversification is the practice of producing a variety of crops in a farm enterprise or system. Diversification

Getting to Know Joseph Itaroro, Healthcare Field Manager

The people I work with at Nuru inspire me daily. Everyone is so committed to the farmers we are working for. Joseph Itaroro is no exception. He works tirelessly as the Healthcare Field Manager in Kehancha Division. Joseph is at his best when he is meeting with the Nuru Healthcare home visit Field Officers that

Nuru Kenya Agriculture Focuses on Building Organizational Sustainability

Sustainability is a complex word with multiple meanings. In the agricultural sector, it is important to consider how to operate in an environmentally sustainable manner. My colleague, Matt Lineal, wrote this blog on the environmental sustainability of Nuru’s Agriculture Program back in May 2013. Another important type of sustainability is financial sustainability. Nuru uses its Social

Nuru Kenya Senior Leadership Transition

Within this update, Mwita Babere, Nuru Kenya Human Resources Manager, discusses upcoming changes in leadership and how the goal remains constant – focused on ending extreme poverty in rural impoverished communities. Below, Mwita shares more about the transitions happening in Nuru Kenya. It has been 5 years since the first seed of Nuru International was planted

Getting to Know Gabriel Nyagetari, Nuru Kenya Healthcare Field Manager

As Nuru works to end extreme poverty in remote rural areas, it is the people who make all the difference. In this series introducing the Healthcare Program’s Field Managers, we will see examples of the dedication that makes it possible to positively impact the lives of the Nuru farmers and their families. First we met

M&E: How Can Complex Themes be Evaluated?

As internal evaluators at Nuru, we periodically assess if our impact programs are contributing to our organization’s mission of ending extreme poverty. How can a theme as complex as poverty—which varies by region and personal perspective—be concisely quantified in an actionable way? Our team believes composite scores can be helpful. A composite score is formed
