Nuru Ethiopia

Favorite Childhood Books of Nuru Education Staff

As the world celebrates World Book and Copyright Day on Saturday, April 23rd, members of the Nuru Education team reflect on what books influenced them as children and why books are important to us all. What was your favorite book or series when you were a child? “My favorite storybook growing up was Things Fall

Growing up in a world with(out) storybooks #BookDay

One of my favorite book series when I was growing up was C.S. Lewis’ “The Chronicles of Narnia.” In these books, children from war-torn England were able to explore the magical land of Narnia with all sorts of creatures and places they had never seen. To me, these books presented a metaphor for many storybooks.

Are you reading this in your native language?

Recently, the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) estimated that 221 million children in developing countries were unable to understand the language of instruction in their schools. In sub-Saharan Africa, instruction in a non-native language is particularly pronounced due to the history of colonization. Many countries demand English or French as the language in which children

2015 Year in Review – Stay in the Fight

The world is wrestling with some very difficult challenges after this year. Global Challenges ISIS, Al Qaeda and their affiliates are daily growing in strength and number by preying on the desperation of impoverished nations and disenfranchisement of restless youth who are fed up with the world that has been handed down to them. In

Relentlessly Devoted to Farmer Family Health in 2015

In 2015, the Nuru Healthcare team was relentlessly devoted to helping farmer families prevent illness and move toward better health through positive behavior change. Nuru Healthcare is operating in remote, rural communities in two countries: Kenya, where we have operated for several years, and Ethiopia, where our program has just gotten under way. In Ethiopia,

Nuru Education: 2015 Year in Review

The past year has been a year of growth, iteration and achievement for Nuru Education. Nuru Kenya Education began completed its fourth year of outreach, while Nuru Ethiopia Education completed the Program Planning Process in July and launched its program in October. There were many highlights in both countries throughout the year. Nuru Kenya Nuru

Rural Farmers in Ethiopia Cope With Drought and Famine

Across vast regions of Ethiopia, the belg (spring) rains, normally expected to start in February, mostly failed. El Niño has disrupted normal weather conditions and crop production in many parts of the world and across East Africa. This global weather phenomenon is creating warmer than average waters in the Pacific Ocean and affecting global climates.

Nuru Ethiopia Education Conducts First Teacher Training

After a very successful Training of Trainers (ToT) with woreda (district) education officials, school directors, cluster supervisors and language department heads in October, the Nuru Ethiopia Education team and these school officials conducted the first in a series of seven teacher training sessions on Friday, November 13th and Saturday November 14th. The first part of the

Community Health in Ethiopia Through servant leadership

The heart of the Thanksgiving holiday and living out servant leadership walk hand in hand in my mind: both are a posture of gratitude helping us remember what we are thankful for and to put the needs of others above our own. Servant leadership was a focus at the recent joint Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Nuru Ethiopia

Celebrating Thanksgiving and Keeping Ethiopian Households in our Hearts

Today around the US, many of us are traveling to the households of  friends and family in celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday. We’re carving turkeys and enjoying delicious sweet potatoes, green beans, pumpkin pie, and cranberry sauce. Millions are gathering around the television or in our communities to watch Thanksgiving parades, college football and the

Creating a Healthy Start for Mothers and Babies

Most of the expectant mothers in the highlands of rural Ethiopia have to walk to get to a health center to give birth with a skilled birth attendant. The walk is not on flat sidewalks. It is more what we might think of as a hike, on dirt roads and paths up and down hills

Data-driven Program Design: How Financial Inclusion Program Impacts Households

Ever wonder what your life would have been like if you’d taken a different path—like skipped out on college and started your own business? Married your high school sweetheart? What if you could turn back the clock and experience what life would have been like if you’d made other choices? In the Monitoring and Evaluation

Nuru Impacts Ethiopian Women Through Financial Inclusion

Nuru Ethiopia Education Prepares for Teacher Training

Feature photo: Attendees of the Save the Children Literacy Boost workshop in Adama City (Nazareth), Ethiopia Since concluding the Program Planning Process (PPP) for the Nuru Ethiopia Education Program two months ago, the team has been hard at work achieving many milestones: Launching the Education Program alongside the Healthcare Program to woreda officials Hosting key relationship

Nuru Ethiopia Partners with Save the Children, Literacy Boost Program

Nuru Ethiopia is pleased to announce a new partnership with Save the Children to implement Literacy Boost in order to increase literacy levels of children in rural farmer households to a grade 2 level before they reach secondary school. Save the Children currently offers Literacy Boost in many countries around the world, including Kenya, Ethiopia
