
A Day in the Life…

Few people really understand what our daily lives look like. I don’t know that you could without being here or having been on the road before. So, on Friday morning, I decided to document our lives for a “day in the life” blog. I picked this day long before I knew of the craziness that

Third Party Evaluation Results In

Ha. The title probably got you excited didn’t it? You thought we might be able to report something about our evaluation results from December? Well, we will, not right now though. The results are in, but they’re only in to us. We’re working feverishly to get the results ready for you to look at. Last

Nuru visits Pacific Ridge School

Pacific Ridge Students from Nuru Tour on Vimeo.   These are just some of the incredible students we had the privilege of meeting at Pacific Ridge School in Carlsbad, CA. We had the opportunity to speak in front of both the high school and middle school students on Wednesday. Derek, Tiffany, and I were blown

A Changed Life

Last fall, I met an MBA student at Arizona State University named Brian Laesch via twitter @blaesch.  At the time neither of us really realized how an apparently happenstance connection thru social media might lead to many people engaging in the fight to end extreme poverty.  Earlier this month, Brian hosted our tour team in

One Year Growth Indicators – Sustainable Development in Kuria, Kenya

It’s wonderful to be back in Kenya! So many things have changed in the community since I was here in Kuria nearly one year ago and then some things haven’t changed a bit, like… My feet are covered in Kenyan red dirt, the power goes out every day, getting soaked on a motorcycle ride into

Jamii Development Fund Launched

I am streaked with mud from coming home in the rain and the neighbors’ scruffy puppy curled happily around my legs smells distinctly of the rotten vegetables from the garbage pile she was just playing in. On a normal day I would march into the house, try to de-grime myself and start cooking dinner. But

A Community Changed – Returning to Kuria, Kenya

Iiiiiiiii’m Baaaaaccck!  I was just reflecting on this: I’ve had the privilege to work with EVERY member of the Nuru International Foundation Teams! I was a part of the first team arriving here in September 2008: Jake, Nicole, Doug and I. This is when we lived in the house with dirt floors and where we

Creating a Conversation Around BH2O+ on Twitter and Beyond

Twitter is a fairly new phenomenon, but it’s economy of words attracts people to the site to get information in a quick, digestible format. How can you promote an event in 140 characters or less?   1. Knowledge is Power Twitter is a great platform to spread information. Use it to share links, talk about

Creating a Conversation Around BH2O+ on Facebook

Love it or hate it, Facebook has changed the way we interact with people. It allows us to reach out to and connect with far more people than we could without it. So naturally, it is an important tool to use to raise the profile of BH2O+.   Let’s dive into what that might look

A Financial Comparison of Farming Maize vs. Tobacco

On Wednesdays at 3:00 p.m. I am usually at our regional Savings Club meeting in Nyangiti primary school, fighting sleepiness in the heat of the afternoon. Outside the window is the most amazing field of tobacco, lush, leafy and bright green. I’m kind of fascinated by how beautiful the plant is, considering the hate-need relationship

Transition Between Education Program Managers

Times are a-changing here on the ground in Kuria. The newest round of agriculture seed/fertilizer loans were distributed this week, an increasing number of farmers are bringing their maize harvest into the granary to sell, and the newest rotation of foundation team members arrived at the beginning of this week! Needless to say, we are

Strength in Transitioning Foundation Team Leaders

So it begins. I am now officially a Research Officer. I’m on a special assignment the next seven weeks to get a data collection system set up for the Poverty Intelligence Network (a revision of the Disease Intelligence Network… all this is in the blogosphere if you’re really interested). I’m going to work on data:

Some Stories Just Need Told

Last fall, when we launched our recurring giving program to help empower families out of extreme poverty for good, we received a number of donations.  In total, 345 families are being empowered to lift themselves out of extreme poverty as a result of the program. Sometimes when people give to support Nuru’s work, they share a

Creating a Conversation Around BH2O+ Through Social Media

With just two months until Be Hope to Her, many of you are probably in the midst of or embarking on the planning process. So, this week, let’s talk about how to use social networking sites to promote BH2O+. I think the most important thing is to use social networks to create a conversation around

Heads up!

Somebody give me a drum roll…  BH2O+ is back! Every morning I wake up giddy for what’s going to happen in April 2010 through “Be Hope to Her” (and that’s before my morning coffee!).  I am truly inspired on a daily basis when I talk with passionate individuals across the country – like you.  Your
