Few people really understand what our daily lives look like. I don’t know that you could without being here or having been on the road before. So, on Friday morning, I decided to document our lives for a “day in the life” blog. I picked this day long before I knew of the craziness that would ensue. So sit back, relax, and step into a day in our lives…

7:00 am: Wake up after six and a half hours of sleep on the floor of a Santa Monica condo. There are three of us and one bathroom and we need to be out the door by 8. So, I forego the shower and use Psssssst, a fantastic dry shampoo we found thanks to Emma at Wingate University.  It’s like washing your hair without the shower.

I get dressed and ready, realizing I’ve worn this pair of jeans no less than 5 times since they were last washed. We desperately need to do laundry.

7:55 am: Lisa and I walk to get Lenore (our van), several blocks from where we were staying. We hop in and cruise toward the condo, luckily finding a spot near the door. We load up our stuff, say goodbye to our host, Kelli, and Mr. Bean, her puppy, then hit the road.

8:15 am: Derek is on a call with Billy (Grassroots Movement Director). Delores (our GPS) is confused and keeps recalculating out route. Lisa is yelling “Calculate faster!” as Delores finishes figuring out where we are and where we’re going.

8:38 am: We’re parked on the freeway, stuck in LA traffic, vowing never to live or communte to work here.

8:47 am: We’re over sitting in traffic, so we decide to have a little Glee Singalong to pass the time.

9:17 am: We arrive at the Corner Bakery in Brea, CA. We grab some caffeine as we overview the day before our meeting with Candace.

10:00 am: Candace arrives. She is all smiles and full of energy. We share with her the vision of Nuru and Be Hope to Her and begin to brainstorm ways that Life Pacific College can be involved. Coincidentally, BH2O+ falls during Justice Week, so it seems life a perfect way for the campus to get involved.

10:48 am: We wrap up our meeting with Candace and text Conner from Dry Tears to solidify our lunch plans with him. We hop in the van and begin driving to Biola University in La Mirada, CA.

11:15 am: We arrive at Biola, pick up Conner, and head to In-and-Out to grab some lunch and talk about what Nuru has been doing and what we’ve been seeing as a result of the tour.

12:15 pm: We head back to Biola and grab coffee with Conner. As we’re pulling onto campus, we notice the brakes are making a strange noise. We park the van, and head to Common Grounds to talk with Conner about Dry Tears and what they’ve been up to the past year.

As we talk, he shows us around the campus, making sure we stop to see and take a picture with the famous Jesus mural, “The Word”, located on Biola’s campus.

1:17 pm: We have a seat near the Rosemead School of Psychology building and continue talking. I get a call from Tanner, a girl interested in helping get both a USC BH2O+ going as well as a city event in Southern California. We schedule a meeting at Common Grounds in La Mirada for 9am Saturday morning.

Conner has another meeting at 2, and we realize we really should head up to LA to get some work done before our event with the Falling Whistles crew.

1:46 pm: We climb into the van, begin leaving campus, and realize the brake sound has gone from sporadically not good to absolutely TERRIBLE. Knowing we don’t have to be in LA until 6pm, we decide it’s a good idea to get the brakes checked out immediately.

2:00 pm: We drive down Imperial Highway in La Mirada, and spot a place called Imperial Tire Plus. We pull over, hoping the “Plus” means they check brakes.

My fingers are growing tired as I recount the events of Friday, and I would love for each of you to be able to empathize with the suspense we experienced in finding out what was wrong with Lenore. Look for the conclusion of “A Day in the Life” soon.
