Twitter is a fairly new phenomenon, but it’s economy of words attracts people to the site to get information in a quick, digestible format. How can you promote an event in 140 characters or less?


1. Knowledge is Power

Twitter is a great platform to spread information. Use it to share links, talk about Nuru, the issue of clean water, and Be Hope To Her.


2. Follow the Trends

Twitter allows you to search what other people are talking about. Use this function. Search ”clean water” or other buzzwords surrounding the issue. @reply people who are talking about it and invite them into the conversation and what Nuru is doing about the issue. Also, use the #bh2o hashtag so that people can track the BH2O+ tweets.


3. It All Comes Full Circle

Be conscious as you are tweeting that you don’t just talk about the problems, but link it back to the fact that there is an organization providing solutions. Invite people to be a part of the solution by partnering with Nuru and participating or planning BH2O+.


Again, these blogs are not meant to be an exhaustive list, but instead a platform to get you started on creating a buzz around BH2O+ on social networking sites. There are tons more sites I didn’t mention, feel free to comment and share further thoughts on Twitter or on any other social networking site or tool.

