Farmer Savings Program Workshop
An update from CED Program Manager Vivian Lu outside a Farmer Savings Program Workshop.
An update from CED Program Manager Vivian Lu outside a Farmer Savings Program Workshop.
Nuru International is humbled to be featured on’s Hot News feed. Apple’s Hot News picked up a story written by Jim Dalrymple of The Loop Insight website entitled, “Non-profit organization Nuru utillizes Macs to end extreme poverty.” The Nuru Media team is in heaven since we’re all HUGE Mac fans! Thank you to The …
Nuru International’s National Tour Poverty Campaign departed from Morgantown, West Virginia this afternoon on a 3 month, 20,000 mile, 50 city tour to catalyze a movement of hope to end extreme poverty in our lifetimes. Three young poverty fighters will drive around the country in a beat-up, old passenger van for ten weeks to answer …
Nuru International has made it easier than ever to subscribe to blogs on our website by incorporating RSS feeds. Here’s what to do: Go to your favorite Nuru blog (Agriculture, Water & Sanitation, Healthcare, Education, Community Eononomic Development, Grassroots Movement, Research, BH2O+) Click on the RSS button in the right-hand column. At the top of …
Mind the Gap – Gapminder I can’t stop looking at and playing with this website: Gapminder. It’s really amazing. It gives you, at just a glimpse pretty much every kind of socio-economic and environmental data (and then some…I just spent some time looking at livestock statistics…not sure where they fit in to those two categories) …
The other night, a man came to the health center. The only nurse, Stephen Sangara, works eight hours per day and then sleeps on the premises. But he’s on call 24 hours a day, every day. The man awoke him, shouting in the night. Mr. Sangara came to the gate and opened it. The man …
In just a couple of weeks FT3 will be hosting the first team of outside observers to come and critically evaluate the work the foundation teams have been doing on the ground over the last year. The evaluation team will be here for almost an entire month gathering data on all five of our development …
Nuru International is pleased to announce that renowned film composer Tyler Bates has created an original score for the Nuru’s short film, The End (Jake’s Story). The sought-after composer, best known for his work on blockbusters 300 and The Watchmen, has created an evocative score that highlights the story of Jake Harriman, CEO of Nuru …
I have a scar on my right shin from trying to start a crappy motorcycle that I stalled out in the mud. There’s kind of an art to gracefully negotiating sub-par motorcycles on the goat paths and rutted hills of Kuria West, an art that I am better off leaving to other people, like the …
Nuru Intronational announces its most important fundraising campaign to date – I Am Nuru. I Am Nuru is a sustainable giving campaign where individuals or families donate monthly to support Nuru’s work in Kuria, Kenya. There are 1,000 families in Kuria that need continued access to Nuru’s lifesaving Agriculture, Water & Sanitation, Healthcare, Education and …
We just discovered that there was a problem with our eNews signup button. if you signed up for our eNews updates from Oct 28-Nov 1, unfortunately we didn’t get your email address. Please re-enter your email address in the eNews signup at the top of the page. We’re so sorry for the inconvenience.
Today Nuru International’s visual essay How Nuru Works was featured on Motionographer, the world’s premier motion graphics and visual effects website. Nuru’s Bjorn Amundsen wrote, designed, directed and animated the piece in collaboration with Nuru’s media team. When asked about his reaction to seeing How Nuru Works on the Motionographer website, Bjorn replied, “I was …
12:00PM on Thursday. I have been called, right before I am going to eat. The vaccines are not approved by the Ministry of Health (MOH). Even though they were approved the day before, they are now unapproved, which means I have to drive an hour by motorcycle on a very dusty road to resolve the …
If I could choose a superhero power, I would choose to be able to stop time. Mostly, so that I could sleep. Which probably isn’t what a superhero would do. Then again, my second choice power would be to be able to eat 5,000 calories a day without gaining weight. Yes, these are the things …
Some days I can’t help but think, “Geez, I’ve taken a heck of a long commute to get to work.” From the moment I wake up underneath my mosquito net to the last moments I lie awake listening to the rain pound on our tin roof, I am conscious of the fact that I have …