
Leadership Welcomes Robert Kihara Ndiritu as Senior Training Manager

Since joining Nuru I have had to field a lot of questions about the specific function of the Leadership Program. Many people have assumed that the Leadership Program’s function is to perform training duties as part of the Human Resources Department. In fact, the Leadership Program is one of the two sustainability programs and as

Nuru Education Annual Survey: What They’re Saying

While we have heard comments throughout the year about the education program, we wanted to know in detail how Nuru’s Education Outreach Program was perceived by teachers in the schools we work with over the course of the 2013 school year. In the last week of October, at the end of the 2013 school year

Financial Planning for the Future Makes a Difference

We are proud to introduce Ibrahim Sifuna, the Nuru Kenya Community Economic Development (CED) District Manager. With his extensive background in microfinance and community economic development, he has much to share with the Kuria West District and beyond. Below, find a CED success story told in Ibrahim’s words.   Today I have the privilege of introducing to

Nuru M&E Utilizes a Mixed Methods Approach to Measure Lasting Change

Some say, “a picture is worth 1,000 words.” At Nuru, I think that our data collection efforts are sometimes worth more than a million words. If an evaluation were only as easy as taking a picture of the situation before we start an intervention and then taking follow-up pictures along the way at periodic time

The Road Ahead is Bright for Nuru Healthcare

Just a month away from concluding up my tenure with Nuru, there is much to reflect on. The memory bank of the last 4 years is chalk-full, and thinking back on each piece of the intricate puzzle evokes overwhelming fulfillment. We have experienced ups and downs, challenges and victories, and through it all we had

Nuru Kenya and Nuru Ethiopia Exchange Ideas in Experience-Sharing Visit

In late October and early November, a segment of the Nuru Ethiopia staff made a journey to Isebania, Kenya to learn about the Nuru Kenya program. The Nuru Ethiopia Agriculture team was able to see a Nuru program in full implementation – on the field, in the office, and in the professional efficacy of a

Our Next War: Veteran’s Day and the ‘Other Warrior’

I think of my time in the Marine Corps everyday. It was an exceptional adventure that forever changed my life. The process of earning the title “Marine” is an existential transformation because the Corps is more than just a branch of our U.S. military – the Marine Corps is a fierce, modern tribe with a collective,

Nuru Kenya Leadership Program: Overcoming Challenges One Training Series at a Time

It has been a busy few months here in the Leadership Program. Our staff has been hard at work preparing and practicing for our next round of trainings, which will begin at the beginning of October with Focus Project 2 (FP2). This training focuses on how specific staff roles and responsibilities are assigned, developed, and

Nuru Kenya Agriculture Plans for Crop Diversification in 2014

After a challenging 2013 long rains season, the Nuru Kenya Agriculture program (NK Ag) is gearing up for a fresh start. Next year, the NK Ag team will be encouraging crop diversification among Nuru farmers by offering inputs and trainings for crops other than maize. It will be the first year Nuru farmers grow alternative

Introducing the Education Training Team

With the Education Program’s expansion into Mabera this year, and further expansion in the future, we determined that our Training Manager George Nyamweya could not be in the two different places at the same time. George had been doing a great job of delivering trainings to the team during school break times and office days,

Nuru Kenya Leadership Program: Living Out Servant Leadership

As Thomas mentioned in his previous post, my name is Brian Viani and I am thrilled to be working with Nuru as the new Program Facilitator for Foundation Team 9 (FT9). I am originally from New York City and have a Master’s degree in International Relations from NYU and a Bachelor’s in Political Science from

Nuru International Agriculture Program’s Approach to Bolstering Resilience of Rural Livelihoods

Nuru International’s work areas in Kenya and Ethiopia are rural agrarian communities in extreme poverty. These communities are vulnerable to risks and uncertainty in many facets of life. This blog recounts Nuru International’s strategy to bolster the resilience of farmers in these communities. Where Nuru works, farmers’ income is largely derived from small-scale rain-fed agriculture

Nuru Kenya Agriculture Team Facilitates Reliable Loan Collection

Financial sustainability is crucial to the Nuru Kenya Agriculture program’s ability to serve increasing numbers of farmers each year. The Agriculture team strives for this sustainability by making strategic staffing decisions, working efficiently and minimizing operational costs whenever possible. Another huge contributor to the Nuru Kenya Agriculture program’s sustainability is the collection of loan repayment from

Flexibility, Adaptability, and Scalability: Nuru Ethiopia’s Agriculture Program and the Opportunities of Diversity

Every society has staple foods that embody its subsistence strategy. In agricultural societies, this suite of staple crops is determined by a variety of factors: dietary preference, environmental constraints and opportunities, economic development and political economy, and basic nutritional requirements for a functioning social system. The suite of crops that a society consumes embodies all

Introducing Alex Martin, Kenya Foundation Team Leader

Alex Martin graduated with distinction from the U.S. Naval Academy and went on to lead infantry, reconnaissance and special operations units in multiple combat deployments. Upon leaving active duty, Alex started a private maritime security company that served commercial shipping interests in the Indian Ocean. In July 2013, Alex was given the opportunity to join the
