Lessons Learned

Nuru Social Enterprises Pivots to Regional Sustainability Strategy

Originally posted on Nuru Social Enterprises. Nuru Social Enterprises made a decision in August 2015 to not invest in Ethiopia. It was a tough call given that we have spent two years in Ethiopia researching and planning for investment with a team on the ground. But we’re extremely comfortable with our decision due to two undeniable

Cultivating a Culture of Failure and Learning

Nuru International set out to design the first self-scaling, self-sustaining, holistic, development model to end extreme poverty in rural, remote areas, in our lifetime. We started with a pilot project in Kuria West, Kenya in September 2008. Six years later, our integrated model is making attributable impact and Nuru Kenya is months away from being

Lessons Learned: Fostering a Sense of Urgency

Nuru International is pioneering a solution to end extreme poverty in remote, rural areas. We believe that in pursuing this solution, we will find new ways to solve old problems. There is risk in being a pathfinder. With risk comes failure. Nuru will not complete its mission without failure. Failure will lead to our success.

22 Things I learned about myself after leaving the Marines – then living in Kenya

For Veterans Day, Alex Martin shares his story of how he found a fulfilling career – and happiness – working as a humanitarian in Kenya after leaving the Marines. The following entry originally appeared on ONE.org.  Just before leaving the Marine Corps in 2011, I wrote a brief reflection on what I’d learned. I wrote it
