
Struggle of Living in Extreme Poverty in Kuria, Kenya

Even a Warrior Can Hit a Breaking Point Today I cried for my Kenyan friend and colleague. Today we held what have come to be known as “Nuru Days,” the one day per month where we gather all of the Nuru managers together for a special leadership training event. The staff members really soaked up

Transitioning From Field to Research Work for Healthcare

Next Task… Get Married! The final week?! How did that happen? I’m tying up loose ends, giving as much as I can, and planning to leave exhausted on March 31st when we all go on break. This work is incredible – it takes my whole heart and leaves me spent at the end of every

Stanford’s Extreme Affordability Program Come to Visit

Kuria has been killing and maiming computers left and right. I don’t what has been going on, but we are losing technology fast. We have a million things going on this week. Everyone is trying to get everything prepared for our departure next week. All of the Foundation Team will be on vacation for the

Untapped Potential and Intelligence of the Extreme Poor

Awakenings “Habari umeamuka?” Evans said… as he said every morning at 5:45am. I was tired and had just finished the pathetic little workout that I do these days to try and maintain some level of physical fitness. I unlocked the gate and shook Evans’ hand. “Tutaonana jioni,” (see you tonight) I said. He smiled and


Tour gives us the opportunity to meet many different people in different phases of life, but one of my favorite things has been having the opportunity to spend time with families. It is always fun to be able to see families function as a unit and how a parent’s example can shape who their children

Warped Perceptions

Today, Tiff and I were talking about how being on Tour changes your perception of things. For instance your perception of time is completely warped. You get to the point where you think a 6 hour drive is a short one. I judge couches based on their sleep ability. I will never purchase a couch

One Week

In one week, tour will be over. It’s crazy to think that 10 weeks ago, we were just leaving Morgantown, WV. When we left, I had it in my mind what tour would be, what success would look like, and how it would play out based on prior experiences. To be honest, it has been

Waking up

“Habari umeamuka?” Evans said…as he said every morning at 5:45am. I was tired and had just finished the pathetic little workout that I do these days to try and maintain some level of physical fitness. I unlocked the gate and shook Evans’ hand. “Tutaonana jioni,” (see you tonight) I said. He smiled and headed out

YouTube Video Volunteers

Check out this cool video challenge from our friends at YouTube and the ONE campaign.  Nuru is one of a small cadre of organizations that was selected to be part of this competition.  Time is ticking–selections must be submitted by the end of the week!      Here’s the deal.  Follow this link, and make

Introducing the Kenyan Education Team

A very important part of the Nuru model is to exit the project and leave it in the hands of the local staff to continue to scale out throughout the country and help lift communities out of extreme poverty. As the Education Program Manager, a big part of my job is to equip the education

Making Change While Being Change

Well, here we are.  All of our “Be Hope To Her 2010” locations have now been established, and now comes the fun part.  You have planned, you have put together a committee, and we are now entering the implementation phase.  We are less than one month away from your BH2O+ event!  Can you believe it?

Home Sweet Home

As I sit in yet another coffee shop trying to put my thoughts down on paper, I am struck with the overwhelming feeling that our journey will soon be coming to an end. We are back in Morgantown, WV where this whole journey began. We are home, but only for a moment and then we

Microfinance Savings Clubs Success

This week, the CED program has been in the process of transitioning the Nuru Savings Clubs. It is hard to believe that it has been nearly a year since they started. In the past seven months*, there have been 75 savings club loans issued, which total to an average of just under $100 each. All

Oh, the people we meet in Starbucks

A Few days ago, Tiffany and I were sitting in a Starbucks in Naperville, IL and a man came up to us and said, “So tell me about what you guys do?” as he pointed to the Nuru van parked outside. At first, we both wondered how he knew we were with the van and

32 Days

There are 32 days left on our journey. 32 days left of telling the stories of the beautiful people who are Nuru. However, in just 25 days, our role as a team will be different. Why? Because in 25 days, the first Be Hope To Her (BH2O+) event of 2010 will be kicking off. It’s
