
Introducing Christopher Isele, New CED Program Facilitator

In this edition, I have the privilege of introducing our newest Community Economic Development (CED) Program Facilitator, Mr. Christopher Isele. Chris has joined Nuru Kenya as of May and took over the responsibility of facilitating the CED program by the end of June 2013. Chris was born in Chicago and grew up in New Jersey.

Nuru Education Partners with Harvest Learning Group

Nuru’s Education Program has been making huge strides over the past year and especially in the last few months. Despite our growth, one of the key areas that we were looking to strengthen was our curriculum. We have been going to schools and delivering workshops that include reading, writing, and creative activities. While we have

NuruSMS Launches

After months of research, discussion and preparation with TACT to integrate the Telerivet Short Message Service (SMS) platform into our developing Salesforce database, we have sent our inaugural message: Karibu NuruSMS! Nuru itawatumia ujumbe kuhusu afya, kilimo na bidhaa mpya na hudumu. Kukataa huu ujumbe wa Nuru tuma STOP. Mbele Daima na Nuru! Or for us

Leading by Example: District Managers Positively Influence Staff

Jane Omanga has been working as the District Manager (DM) with the Leadership program since April 2013. Although she is fairly new with us, one of the first things you may notice about her is her approachable nature. She is always smiling and willing to listen intently to anyone who may cross her path. The

How M&E Informs Agriculture, and How Agriculture Informs M&E

Since the mid-twentieth-century, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and governmental organizations have been active in development projects throughout the underdeveloped world. Most of these interventions have been high-budget, top-down approaches devised in office buildings in major world cities with very little collaboration – and typically only symbolic collaboration – with nationals in the countries in which they

Mabera Kikundi: New Field Officer Group Officially Launched

Healthcare is on the move! The success of the program in our first two divisions has created great demand in Mabera, where Nuru farmers are eagerly awaiting the first home visits from the Healthcare Field Officers. The original date for scaling to Mabera was pushed back because the team felt that we had to stabilize

Reflections from Nuru Social Enterprises Facilitator Rebecca Jones

Two years ago, the impact programs at Nuru were still expected to generate their own revenue to fund operations. Shortly thereafter, the Income Generating Activities (IGA) program was born to bring all these projects together under the management of a business-minded team. One year ago, I arrived in Kenya for the first time to take

Reflections from Kenya M&E Program Facilitator Kelly Gannon

It’s hard to believe that my year here with Nuru Kenya is coming to a close. The work I have done and the relationships I have made over the year have been some of the most rewarding and remarkable experiences I have ever had. In the past year I’ve watched our Kenyan M&E team of

Sustainable Intensification and Nuru Kenya’s Agriculture Program

Sustainable intensification offers a practical approach to producing more food with less environmental impact. A recent review of the subject, Sustainable Intensification: A New Paradigm for African Agriculture, spurred a wave of associated posts about the topic. In this blog, I reflect on this report from the Montpellier Panel in light of Nuru Kenya’s Agriculture

Nuru Education Team Shares Stories from Outreach

Great things are happening in Nuru’s education program, but sometimes the day-to-day stories and improvements get lost in the shuffle. Two members of Nuru’s Education Team wrote short stories from their experiences in our outreach program during the First Term of the 2013 school year. Here they are:   Story By: Joseph Ginono It is

Nuru Kenya Agriculture Program & Engagement with Stakeholders

Tom Nyongesa Juma has worked in Nuru Kenya’s Agriculture Program as District Manager since 2012.  Originally from Bungoma, Kenya, Tom has long-standing personal and professional experience in smallholder agriculture.  He holds a BS in Forestry and a M. Phil in Soil Science from Moi University. Below, find Tom’s update on what the Nuru Agriculture Program

Nuru Leadership Team Begins Developing Project Management Curriculum

The last few weeks in the Leadership Program have seen us prepare to train Feedback to new Agriculture Field Officers in two of our divisions, edit and practice some of our curriculum, and also embark on creating an entirely new training series for upper level Nuru staff entitled Project Management Training. Since our program is

Nuru Kenya Education Program Reflects and Looks to the Future

It is rainy season here in Kenya and as I listen to the drumming of the rain on the tin roof, I can’t help but reflect on all the beautiful days and nights I have experienced in this community. Over the last three years, it has been a joy to see how much Nuru has

Meet Nuru Kenya Agriculture District Manager: Tom Nyongesa Juma

As Nuru supporters know, the Nuru Kenya Agriculture Program (NK Ag) is growing quickly. In 2013, NK Ag is serving about 5,500 farmers throughout Kuria West, a nearly 100% increase from our 2012 farmers. As NK Ag grows its impact, it has also expanded its staff to include new leadership. The NK Ag District Manager,

Nuru Kenya Social Marketing Team Combats MLND

Over the past few months, the Social Marketing team has been busy developing messages and awareness materials to help fight against maize lethal necrosis disease (MLND). MLND is a devastating maize disease that is a huge threat to the livelihoods and food security of farmers in Kenya. The team began by holding focus group discussions
