Social Marketing

From Isibania to Namanga: Nuru Kenya Social Marketing Exchange Visit

The Social Marketing (SM) Team visited Namanga, Kajiado County for an exchange visit with the Ol Kerempe Group in mid March this year. From one border town Isibania to another border town Namanga, the team was able to learn first-hand how this community based organization employed the use of magnet theatre to be able to

Introducing the Nuru Kenya Social Marketing Program

Social Marketing (or Behavior Change Communication) is the art of applying marketing principles to affect behavior for the common good, benefiting the audience not the marketer. Social Marketing can inform product design, community engagement, education or sales. Social Marketing initiatives require a commitment to work towards altering the beliefs, knowledge, and behavior of a target

Nuru Kenya Social Marketing Team Combats MLND

Over the past few months, the Social Marketing team has been busy developing messages and awareness materials to help fight against maize lethal necrosis disease (MLND). MLND is a devastating maize disease that is a huge threat to the livelihoods and food security of farmers in Kenya. The team began by holding focus group discussions
