
San Antonio Students Step Into The Fight

For those of you who are regular visitors to this site, you know that Nuru had a nationwide awareness campaign that had 1500 hundred people participate at 26 sites. But what you didn’t know was that there were others who were inspired to take part in their own “Be Hope To Her” events. San Antonio

Well Drilling Buy-in and Ownership by the Community in Kuria, Kenya

The Answer Was In Nakuru In our quest to improve our community water training program, I traveled with Nuru’s Water and Sanitation managers to Nakuru, Kenya to learn from the best: CAWST. Little did I know that our trip would have a second purpose: to discover the next step for our well buy-in program. (Learn

Mobile Banking and Mobile Money in Kenya

I am undoubtedly on my phone more in rural Kenya than I am in Southern California. I use my Nokia here for more things than all the apps put together on my iphone at home. Most recently, I am looking at using phones for banking. In past blog entries, I have mentioned Nuru’s teaming up

Developing a Community Health Worker Model in Kuria, Kenya

We have started the second week of Community Health Worker (CHW) training. We are now covering reproductive health. Their final week-long training will be in June, and then they’ll be officially certified CHWs! The scene reminded me strongly of medical school. There were lectures on healthcare (the head nurse, the public health officer, the reproductive

If a Decision Tree Falls in the Woods

Hello! Yesterday the three of our four GSPP (Goldman School of Public Policy) students who are here in the States presented the results of their semester long poverty-indicator projects. The presentations were quite fascinating for many reasons, one among them being the varying ways that each of the students approached the problem before them. Stephanie,

The Managing Capital Series

As I have mentioned in previous blogs, I am not much of writer, but my job requires me to write blogs, so we are stuck with each other, so let’s make the most of it. While I am not much of a writer, I try to make up for it with an above average understanding

Google Forms and Mobile Photos Provide Efficient Data Collection for Ending Extreme Poverty

There’s No Cheating With Phones Running an effective Water and Sanitation Program requires lots of data collection. We need to know: Are our staff and volunteer educators actually teaching Nuru farmers groups how to remove disease-causing germs from their water? Are people actually practicing the water treatment practices they’ve learned? Is the attendant at the

making solutions last: thoughts on leadership and sustainability

Nuru seeks to empower impoverished communities to become entirely self-sustaining within five years. To make this happen, we focus on two main faces of sustainability in order to pass the walk away test: financial sustainability and leadership sustainability. Both are absolutely critical to enabling our communities to be completely independent of Nuru US within that

Inspecting the Nuru Farmer’s Shamba’s (Maize Fields)

Nuru CEO Jake Harriman and Agriculture Field Staff inspect the shamba’s of Nuru farmers’ maize. Shamba is the Kiswahili word for farm fields.

Kelsey Timmerman Author Of ‘Where Am I Wearing’ Visits the Nuru Project

Recently Foundation Team 4 had the pleasure of welcoming Kelsey Timmerman, author of Where Am I Wearing to Nuru International’s pilot project in Kuria, Kenya. Kelsey is also a freelance author and currently working with World Vision. He spent the 3 days learning about all aspects of Nuru’s work, as well as interviewing some of

Nuru International Gave Us Hope And Showed Us The Light

Today the CED Blog has a guest post from Peter Gati, Nuru’s Community Economic Development Field Manager: “Unlike other assistance provider, Nuru has on the ground experience that provides practical approaches to build capacity leading and increased efficiency, innovation and customer-focused business growth. Nuru are locally based and so we understand the needs of our


Our crops are in the ground; the rains are nearly daily; and I am counting down the days until harvest. This past week: we set forth with our MIFOS deployment; had more unplanned detours due to rain; and the Kenyan banking world was rocked by M-PESA and Equity Bank’s new mobile banking product, M-Kesho. This

Making A Path (With Machetes)?

In this field video update, Healthcare Program Manager David Carreon and CED Program Manager Aerie Changala clear the path to the Nuru house using machetes. Just part of daily life in Nuru’s project in Kuria, Kenya.

Nuru International and Nokia Phones Fight Extreme Poverty

In this field video update learn how Nuru uses common Nokia 1680c cell phones, Opera Mini, and Google apps to facilitate real-time data collection in the field from Nuru’s Kenyan staff.

The Importance of Education for Girls in Extreme Poverty

Well, I’m not a woman and my roar is pretty weak but I’ve been learning a lot about the roar of women and frankly I’m a bit jealous. The education program has been looking to make a big impact and trying to be strategic about the interventions we put in place. We are looking to
