Nuru Kenya

Launch of Salesforce for CED

After nearly a year in development, I am are very excited to announce the launch of the Nuru Salesforce database for the CED program! The Salesforce database supports CED operations by effectively organizing the details of CED membership, group savings account transactions, and individual loan applications and payments into one system. Custom reports can quickly

Chacha’s Road: Hunger, Extreme Poverty and Agriculture

Nuru International’s Agriculture Program focuses on addressing the need of hunger in communities that live in situations of extreme poverty. How does Nuru International Agriculture Program address the need of hunger? To take a closer look at this question, let’s discuss a hypothetical example of one farmer. Chacha, a farmer in Kuria West, Kenya, has

Nuru Education Team Focuses on Literacy Goals and New Outreach

As we kick off a new year of Outreach and begin our work with Mabera schools, I would like to reflect on the need that Nuru’s Education team targets. As our programs grow, we remain intently focused on the needs of the communities we serve and work to ensure our program’s target those needs and

Nuru Leadership Team Begins Focus Project One and Staff Leadership Review

Last week the Leadership team embarked on our first training of the year, Focus Project One (FP1).  This training is meant to teach Nuru staff some of the basic concepts the organization is built on. It focuses on how we as an organization define such terms as extreme poverty, self-reliance, and sustainability. It is also

One-on-One with Isebania Division Education Program Leader Victoria Tissian

When you start working at Nuru, one of the first things you will hear about is the concept of servant leadership. Nuru’s Education team is lucky to have a leader that exemplifies this value every day. Victoria Tissian has been Nuru’s Isebania Division Program Leader for the past two years. Vicky has seen huge changes

Nuru Kenya Agriculture Training Series in Full Swing for 2013

Hot, sunny days are slowly transitioning into cloudy cool ones as the long rains season is about to start in Kuria West. Farmers are busy finishing up their short rains harvesting activities and preparing their land for the new season. At Nuru Kenya Agriculture, the staff have just finished distributing loans of fertilizer and certified

M&E Update: Measuring in Kenya & Ethiopia

2013 is a busy year for our Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) team at Nuru International. We are launching an M&E component into Ethiopia and we’ll be collecting impact data for our Agriculture, CED, Healthcare and Education programs in Kenya. In Ethiopia, Kristin Lindell is one of our newest Fellows and has joined us to help

Nuru R&D Team Impacts Hygiene Through Clean Drinking Water Containers and Latrines

We have sold almost 1,000 handwashing stations in our community to date. This means that we have impacted the hygiene of around 5,000 community members. Community members have seen the value of its low cost, rugged design, and health benefits. With this success, the next problem we wanted to tackle is to prevent re-contamination of

Collaborating in Kenya: Are We Together?

A Ki-Swahili expression one gets used to after a little while on the ground here is tuko pumoja (are we together?). Often used to check for understanding and agreement in conversation or a staff meeting, these words steadily creep more and more into my English usage as well. That’s the question we always need to

Nuru International’s Agriculture Program in 2013

In the Nuru International Agriculture Program, I often find myself planning and anticipating what’s to come: the next few years, the next season, the next activity in the field, or the next month’s outlook for rain. Nuru International’s Agriculture Program is growing, with a robust program under Nuru Kenya and a nascent program under Nuru

Nuru Healthcare: Here’s to a Healthy New Year in Kuria West!

Happy New Year from Kenya! The Healthcare team reconvened after a restful Christmas break full of enthusiasm and hope for the year ahead. We began by reflecting on the achievements of the past year that included scaling to a new division, launching our social marketing program and helping to stop a measles outbreak. But don’t

Introducing the New Nuru CED District Manager Ibrahim Sifuna

Today, I have the privilege of introducing our newest addition to the Community Economic Development (CED) team, Mr. Ibrahim Sifuna. Mr. Sifuna was hired as Nuru Kenya, Community Economic Development Program District Manager as of January 2013. Mr. Sifuna was born in Kakamega District, western Kenya. He is married and a father of six children.

Nuru Leadership: Growth, Change, and Progress for 2013

Before the end of the year, the Leadership Program was gearing up to make quite a few changes, and now that we have entered January, these changes are in full swing. First, we are currently working on growing our team. With two staff members leaving us during the holiday break, we have now hired two

Introducing Nuru Education Training Manager George Nyamweya

The Education Program has seen tremendous growth in facilitation skills over the past few months. This growth is in no doubt thanks to the outstanding trainings of our new training manager George Nyamweya. George worked his way up from Education Coordinator to Field Manager to Training Manager within Nuru’s Education Program. George has a thirst

A Day in the Life of Nuru Agriculture Input Issue

Kenya has a bi-modal rain pattern, meaning it has two rainy seasons. The “short rains” season occurs from October to December, while the “long rains” begin in late February and last up to June. As the long rains season approaches, the Nuru Kenya Agriculture program has started one of the most logistically intense operations of
