Nuru Kenya

Kenyan Education Act and School Sponsorship Challenges

Here is what Francis and Victoria had to say regarding the recent developments. We will be able to provide a clearer assessment of the situation after our meeting on September 1st.

Nuru’s Poverty Intelligence Network

It’s been some time since we’ve posted about Nuru’s Poverty Intelligence Network, but rest assured it’s very much alive and continuing to shape the way Nuru understands aspects of community life. I’m Nathalie Collins, Nuru’s summer intern working alongside the foundation team here in Kuria. Unlike program managers in each of Nuru’s core areas, my

Detailed Water Data Recording on Google Maps

Expanding to Nyamaharaga So we just finished our baseline survey of Nyamaharaga, one of the new areas that Nuru is expanding to. Want to know where Nyamaharaga is? Well feast your eyes on this Google Map. The locations with numbers (ie 391) are places where people are currently getting there water (“Nymaharaga Pr” is a primary

The Bureaucracy of the Kenyan Ministry of Education

Yesterday I went to Bhavini’s, the local grocer, to pick up a few things. While I was waiting to pay, I watched as the man in front of me laid all the school supplies his daughter needed for the coming term on the counter. He was asking Patel, the proprietor, how much each item cost.

Health Worker’s Sickness Gives Perspective of the Poor

A Taste Of My Own Medicine Not only do the Benidictos (see last post) of the developing world inspire me to do my job daily, but motivating also is having the opportunity to take a ride in our community members’ shoes. For those of us who have grown up with the understanding that the flu

Borrowing to Save: Savings-led Microfinance Part I

The Community Economic Development program is established on savings-led credit and good financial planning. To that extent, we have programs that encourage saving and financial planning before taking out a loan. It is a reasonable path for individual economic development. But design thinking teaches us to profile “the extreme user”. Design thinking is described as

Dangers of Unprotected Water Sources in Kenya

Moheto Stagnant Springs We just started a baseline survey in one of the new areas called Moheto (read here for info on what a baseline is), and the needs there are tremendous. In the other areas that we’ve surveyed, we at least see some protected springs, in which (relatively) clean water that pops up from

Uniqueness of Community Health Worker as Servant Leader

Nuru’s Secret Weapon One of the main factors that sets Nuru apart from other organizations fighting extreme poverty is that that all operations are founded upon a ‘Service Leadership Model’ that calls for a humble, growth-focused, feedback driven, selfless approach to designing and implementing programs. For Nuru, possessing qualities of a Service Leader is crucial

Creating a Measurement and Evaluation Document to Publish

In December of 2008 and December of 2009, our CEO did a deliberate and good job of reminding us that the end of the year is just a spot on the time/space continuum, it’s not really the end of any particular task or piece of work, nor does it actually signify any accomplishment we have

Water and Sanitation Leaders Training Improves

Learning Lessons Our Field Managers have gotten the water training sessions down to a science. They are now completely responsible for running the trainings in our new locations. They schedule and coordinate amongst themselves to ensure that everything is prepared for all 5 locations. It’s pretty tricky considering these locations are all about 45 minutes

Creative Problem Solving for an Education Program in Rural Kenya

The time for creative problem solving has come. Last week the education team’s progress was interrupted late Wednesday night by a letter from the Salvation Army, the current sponsor of Taragwiti Primary. The letter stated that the proper higher-ups at the Salvation Army had not been made aware of Nuru’s intention to sponsor Taragwiti Primary

Power of a Brand Builds Trust in Rural Kenya Community

What’s in a Name? Apparently a lot here! Coming from the land of mega-brands, excessive advertisement and title obsession I was fascinated when I learned that in rural Kenya, where product choices are considerably limited and luxury superstores are nonexistent, Kurians are extremely brand conscious.  This fact was brought to my attention by Janine’s research

Revamping Nuru’s Organizational Structure

Jake, our founder and CEO, has returned to the States for a rotation on this side of the Atlantic. We domestic staffers are very pleased that this is the case. It’s nice to have his strategic direction at our disposal a little more readily than it is when he’s in Kenya. Of course, this is

Gaining Perspective in Poverty Eradication

Army ants are aggressive predatory ants that forage in huge groups called raids. I didn’t know this until Friday night; I had always called them “face-eating ants”, but I will spare you that story. So, Friday night we followed a line of ants in the bathroom outside to discover that the Nuru staff house  was

Reflections on Motivation on Kenyan Education Day

Every year the Ministry of Education hosts Education Day, a celebration designed to commend teachers and pupils for their hard work. Nuru was invited to show our support of the students and acknowledge our partnership with the Ministry. Sabora and I took the 45 minute boda ride down the very bumpy and dusty road to
