Nuru Collective

Nuru Ghana Builds Resilience in Upper East Region of Ghana

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 13, 2024 Contact: Steve Amodio | Accra, Ghana – The Nuru Collective is pleased to announce the establishment of the newest collective member organization, Nuru Ghana. This is a significant milestone for the Nuru Collective, as this marks its fifth country of intervention.  Nuru Ghana, a locally-owned and locally-led nonprofit

Nuru Burkina Faso Visits Nuru Kenya

Learning exchanges among Nuru Collective members are crucial for continued growth. In September 2023, the Nuru Burkina Faso team traveled to Kenya for a learning exchange with their fellow collective member, Nuru Kenya. During this time, Nuru Burkina Faso was able to immerse itself in Nuru Kenya’s lessons learned over the last 15 years of
