environmental charities

Nuru Partners with Georgetown University Students to Research Impact of Climate Shocks

Nuru Nigeria Partners with GIZ to Support Farmer Adaptation to Climate Change

Nuru Nigeria, as part of its community climate resilience strategy and in partnership with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), is providing northeast Nigerian farmers with seeds through their farmer cooperatives. These medium-maturing, drought-resistant, pest and disease-resistant high-yielding groundnut and soybean seeds have been distributed to over 4,000 farmers. In the face of climate change

Nuru Nigeria Sprouts Hope Despite Hard Harvest Year

It’s harvest time in northern Adamawa State. During this time of year, farmers are busy. Farmers have intricately planned harvest and post-harvest activities, such as drying and threshing (removing the grain from the plant). Plans follow a series of steps to ensure that crops are harvested on time and then kept safe from the weather,
