Nuru Ethiopia held the Introduction to Nuru training during the Program Planning Process (PPP) for Healthcare and Education. 16 candidates were invited to join the training to learn about Nuru’s philosophy and principles. The candidates and current Nuru Ethioipia staff mutually learn about each other to determine if they are a good fit to work together. At the end, eight candidates were invited to join the Healthcare and Education teams to design these programs by completing the rest of the PPP. Paige captured some of the sessions through these photos.

The candidates analyze the four areas of need by looking at problem “trees”, the causes (the roots) and the effects (the branches). During this stage, participants focus on two of the four household needs—averting preventable disease and death, and addressing the lack of access to quality education for children—in order to design programs that effectively meet these needs.

Intro to feedback

During the “Intro to Feedback” module, candidates engaged in a role-play in which one team member is sick and the rest of the team is trying to carry her to the hospital. This role-play demonstrates the importance of timely feedback (between households and Nuru) to accomplish a goal. Feedback is very important for Nuru because without it, Nuru leaders can’t identify how to improve their programs.

Intro to servant leadership

Candidates do an activity during the “Intro to Servant Leadership” module. One person cannot open their eyes and must continue to touch the finger of their partner who can see and who will direct them to retrieve one coin-sized leaf and one small stick. This activity helps participants understand the difficulties of leadership and the importance of serving and putting needs of those you are leading first.

Servant Leadership toolkit

Candidates act out a role-play during the “Servant Leadership Toolkit” module. One of the candidates is acting as the President of Arba Minch University and the others are disgruntled students. The president humbly listens to their concerns in order to find good solutions. These role-plays help participants gain a practical understanding of Nuru’s servant leadership philosophy.

What poverty looks like here

Small groups engage in a discussion during the “What Poverty Looks Like Here” module. Candidates explore what a lack of meaningful choices might practically look like in their community. We use this understanding to help design our poverty solutions.
