We would like to say thanks to all the mothers around the world tirelessly working to give their children a healthy happy life this Mother’s Day. A special thanks to all the Nuru Farmer mothers in Kenya for their dedication and commitment to our next generation. You can see some of these mothers in the pictures below putting the health behavoirs Nuru teaches into action.



Thanks Mama – for exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months of my life.



Thanks Mama – for making sure I know how to wash my hands with soap to protect me from germs.



Thanks Mama – for treating our drinking water so that it is free of parasites and disease.



Thanks Mama – for nutritious complimentary feeding to help me to grow strong and be ready for school.



Thanks Mama – for tucking me into bed with a mosquito net every night to protect me from malaria.

Thanks Mama for all the little things you do every day that make a big difference!
