Right now, I am sitting in a Starbucks in Colorado Springs, CO and I am just reflecting on all that has taken place over the past seven weeks. That’s right my friends…seven weeks! Wow, I cannot believe that we have already been on the road for that long! Week eight has already begun and I am suddenly disappointed that I have failed to keep up with my daily journal entries.

The days have completely run together and woven themselves into a story that I am still trying to process. I don’t even know how to effectively convey all that we have seen, discovered, learned, and experienced. And I wonder if I will ever be able to articulate all that this experience has been.

Today, we have already spent a couple hours at a coffee house in Denver trying to catch up on work, had an event at the University of Denver School of Law, met with a man who left a note on our van a couple days earlier requesting a meeting, and driven from Denver to Colorado Springs and it is only 4:30PM.

It is often difficult to find the time to complete all the work we have to do, and even more difficult to find time to step back and reflect on all the incredible things that have happened. One thing I know is that I am not the same person I was when we left for this journey and I have a strong feeling that there is still more transformation to take place over the remaining time we have on the road.

I am so incredibly bless to be doing what I am doing with two amazing friends. The Nuru story has truly transformed my life. Thank you all of you who has made the Nuru story one worth telling! 
