We’re out to make a huge impact this year through each BH2O+ event!  Our two primary goals are to attract a high turnout to each event and to raise significant funds for Nuru’s sustainable projects in Kuria, Kenya.

In 2009, BH2O+ attracted 800 students and raised enough funding to drill four deep wells, each placed at schools in the community.  The strategy behind this solution was to remove the major obstacle preventing kids from attending school – which was the daily burden of fetching water for their families.  Because of BH2O+, kids in Kuria are now receiving an education while conveniently fetching clean water to bring home to their families.

I’m sure you’re eager to hear what’s in store for 2010!  Here’s a preview.

Nuru is currently scaling to two sub-locations in the Kuria district: Nyabikaye and Nyamahraga.  A sub-location is like a small county; it’s made up of 10 villages on average.  Nuru is currently working with 220 families in Nyabikaye and 130 in Nyamaharaga – and the average family has five members.  We project the numbers of families Nuru is working with to increase to 400 and 300, respectively, by May.

Right now, Nuru is conducting need-finding research to uncover what solutions will best provide families with household water solutions.  As there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution in this business, we are still determining exactly which projects will be assisted by the 2010 funds raised through BH2O+.  Here are ways the funds could be directed:

– On average, it currently takes around $100 to pay for one family’s agriculture loan, which includes fertilizer, seed and training.  (If you’ve been tracking Nuru’s work, this number is lower now because the price of fertilizer has dropped.)


-It costs around $200 to construct a rainwater catchment device for one family compound, which serves 17 people on average.


-Drilling one deep well costs around $20,000 – this includes site survey, training, materials, and more; to serve an entire sub-location, several wells would be needed.

As you can see, hundreds of families are in need of a sustainable solution to give them access to clean water.  Whether or not there is a BH2O+ event in your area, help us by supporting Nuru’s sustainable projects.  Donate today – and ask your friends to do the same!   Nuru is empowering the poor in Kuria to lift themselves out of extreme poverty – thanks for being a part.
