Last week the Nuru Tour Team visited Stanford University. It was exciting to be on Stanford’s beautiful campus and to see where Nuru began. We had a Nuru Tour event at CoHo, the Stanford Coffee House, on Wednesday night.
Once we got everything set up for our presentation, we realized that most of the people at CoHo were there to study or meet friends, not to hear about Nuru. Usually, at our events, we talk to a group of people who want to hear about Nuru and have specifically come to our event for that purpose. In this instance, we had to speak in front of a large group of people who were trying to somewhat ignore us.
I think we were all a little bit nervous about trying to tell the Nuru story over the many distractions at the coffee house, but we each got up on the stage and shared our hearts for this amazing organization.
At the conclusion of our presentation, I walked around CoHo to handout Nuru information cards. Some people kind of ignored me, but some people eagerly took the cards. In fact, one girl who just happened to be studying there was so excited that she was at the right place, at the right time to hear about Nuru.
This girl ended up connecting with the Stanford BH2O coordinator and has volunteered to be a part of the planning team. How cool is that!?! Although, this was a challenging event for the tour team, we were able to reach a group of people that might have never heard about Nuru any other way.
We never know how much of an impact Nuru’s story can have on a person’s life. We just have to continue to be faithful in sharing the story and let that story transform lives.